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Sets up and defines a EIP-4844 compatible KZG interface. The KZG interface is used in the blob transaction signing process to generate KZG commitments & proofs.

setupKzg accepts a KZG interface that implements three functions:

  • loadTrustedSetup: A function to initialize the KZG trusted setup.
  • blobToKzgCommitment: A function that takes a blob and returns it's KZG commitment.
  • computeBlobKzgProof: A function that takes a blob and it's commitment, and returns the KZG proof.

A couple of KZG implementations we recommend are:

  • c-kzg: Node.js bindings to c-kzg.
  • kzg-wasm: WebAssembly bindings to c-kzg.


import { setupKzg } from 'viem'


import * as cKzg from 'c-kzg'
import { setupKzg } from 'viem'
import { mainnetTrustedSetupPath } from 'viem/node'
const kzg = setupKzg(cKzg, mainnetTrustedSetupPath)

Trusted Setups

As seen above, when you set up your KZG interface, you will need to provide a trusted setup file. You can either import a trusted setup via the viem/node entrypoint (if you're using an engine that supports Node.js' node:fs module), or you can directly import the trusted setup .json via the viem/trusted-setups entrypoint.

Viem exports the following trusted setups:

  • mainnet.json: For Ethereum Mainnet & it's Testnets (Sepolia, Goerli, etc).
  • minimal.json: For low-resource local dev testnets, and spec-testing.

The trusted setup files are retrieved from the Ethereum consensus-specs repository.

viem/node Entrypoint

Viem exports paths to the trusted setup via the viem/node entrypoint, designed to be used with setupKzg.

import {
} from 'viem/node'

viem/trusted-setups Entrypoint

Alternatively, you can directly import the contents of the trusted setup file from the viem/trusted-setups entrypoint.

import mainnetTrustedSetup from 'viem/trusted-setups/mainnet.json'
import minimalTrustedSetup from 'viem/trusted-setups/minimal.json'



The KZG interface.



  • Type: Kzg & { loadTrustedSetup(path: string): void }

The EIP-4844 compatible KZG interface.

import * as cKzg from 'c-kzg'
import { setupKzg } from 'viem'
import { mainnetTrustedSetupPath } from 'viem/node'
const kzg = setupKzg(


  • Type: string

The path to the trusted setup file.

import * as cKzg from 'c-kzg'
import { setupKzg } from 'viem'
import { mainnetTrustedSetupPath } from 'viem/node'
const kzg = setupKzg(