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signTransaction (Local Account)

Signs a transaction with the Account's private key.

Signs a transaction with the Account's private key.


import { parseGwei } from 'viem'
import { privateKeyToAccount } from 'viem/accounts'
const account = privateKeyToAccount('0x...')
const signature = await account.signTransaction({
  chainId: 1,
  maxFeePerGas: parseGwei('20'),
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: parseGwei('3'),
  gas: 21000n,
  nonce: 69,
  to: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266'
Output: "0x02f850018203118080825208808080c080a04012522854168b27e5dc3d5839bab5e6b39e1a0ffd343901ce1622e3d64b48f1a04e00902ae0502c4728cbf12156290df99c3ed7de85b1dbfe20b5c36931733a33"

Custom serializer

viem has a built-in serializer for Legacy, EIP-2930 (0x01) and EIP-1559 (0x02) transaction types. If you would like to serialize on another transaction type that viem does not support internally, you can pass a custom serializer.

import { parseGwei } from 'viem'
import { privateKeyToAccount } from 'viem/accounts'
const account = privateKeyToAccount('0x...')
const signature = await account.signTransaction({
  maxFeePerGas: parseGwei('20'),
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: parseGwei('3'),
  gas: 21000n,
  nonce: 69,
  to: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266'
}, {
  serializer(transaction) { 
    const {
      // ...
    } = transaction
    return concatHex([
        nonce ? toHex(nonce) : '0x',
        // ...



The signed transaction.


accessList (optional)

The access list.

const signature = await account.signTransaction({
  accessList: [ 
      address: '0x1',
      storageKeys: ['0x1'],
  chainId: 1,

authorizationList (optional)

  • Type: AuthorizationList

Signed EIP-7702 Authorization list.

const authorization = await account.experimental_signAuthorization({
  contractAddress: '0x...',
  chainId: 1,
  nonce: 1,
const signature = await account.signTransaction({
  authorizationList: [authorization], 
  chainId: 1,

blobs (optional)

  • Type: Hex[]

Blobs for Blob Transactions.

import * as cKzg from 'c-kzg'
import { toBlobs, setupKzg, stringToHex } from 'viem'
import { mainnetTrustedSetupPath } from 'viem/node'
const kzg = setupKzg(cKzg, mainnetTrustedSetupPath) 
const hash = await account.signTransaction({
  blobs: toBlobs({ data: stringToHex('blobby blob!') }), 
  to: '0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8'

chainId (optional)

  • Type: number

The chain ID.

const signature = await account.signTransaction({
  chainId: 1, 

data (optional)

  • Type: 0x${string}

Transaction data.

const signature = await account.signTransaction({
  data: '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2'

gas (optional)

  • Type: bigint

The gas limit for the transaction.

const signature = await account.signTransaction({
  gas: 69420n, 

gasPrice (optional)

  • Type: bigint

The price (in wei) to pay per gas. Only applies to Legacy Transactions.

const signature = await account.signTransaction({
  gasPrice: parseGwei('20'), 

kzg (optional)

  • Type: KZG

KZG implementation for Blob Transactions.

See setupKzg for more information.

import * as cKzg from 'c-kzg'
import { toBlobs, setupKzg, stringToHex } from 'viem'
import { mainnetTrustedSetupPath } from 'viem/node'
const kzg = setupKzg(cKzg, mainnetTrustedSetupPath) 
const signature = await account.signTransaction({
  blobs: toBlobs({ data: stringToHex('blobby blob!') }), 
  to: '0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8'

maxFeePerGas (optional)

  • Type: bigint

Total fee per gas (in wei), inclusive of maxPriorityFeePerGas. Only applies to EIP-1559 Transactions

const signature = await account.signTransaction({
  chainId: 1,
  maxFeePerGas: parseGwei('20'), 

maxPriorityFeePerGas (optional)

  • Type: bigint

Max priority fee per gas (in wei). Only applies to EIP-1559 Transactions

const signature = await account.signTransaction({
  chainId: 1,
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: parseGwei('3'), 

nonce (optional)

  • Type: number

Unique number identifying this transaction.

const signature = await account.signTransaction({
  nonce: 69

to (optional)

  • Type: Address

The transaction recipient.

const signature = await account.signTransaction({
  to: '0x...'

type (optional)

  • Type: "legacy" | "eip2930" | "eip1559"

The transaction type.

const signature = await account.signTransaction({
  type: 'eip1559'

value (optional)

  • Type: bigint

Value in wei sent with this transaction.

const signature = await account.signTransaction({
  value: parseEther('1'), 