The toSmartAccount
function allows you to create a Smart Account with a custom Account Implementation.
import { toSmartAccount } from 'viem/account-abstraction'
To instantiate a Smart Account, you will need to provide an Account Implementation.
import { coinbase, toSmartAccount } from 'viem/account-abstraction'
import { client, owner } from './config.js'
const account = await toSmartAccount({
entryPoint: {
abi: [/* ... */],
address: '0x0000000071727De22E5E9d8BAf0edAc6f37da032',
version: '0.7',
async decodeCalls(data) {
// Decode calls from calldata as defined by the Smart Account contract.
async encodeCalls(calls) {
// Encode calls as defined by the Smart Account contract.
async getAddress() {
// Get the address of the Smart Account.
async getFactoryArgs() {
// Build the Factory properties for the Smart Account.
async getNonce() {
// Get the nonce of the Smart Account.
async getStubSignature() {
// Get the stub signature for User Operations from the Smart Account.
async signMessage(message) {
// Sign message to be verified by the Smart Account contract.
async signTypedData(typedData) {
// Sign typed data to be verified by the Smart Account contract.
async signUserOperation(userOperation) {
// Sign a User Operation to be broadcasted via the Bundler.
// (Optional) Extend the Smart Account with custom properties.
extend: {
abi: [/* ... */],
factory: {
abi: [/* ... */],
address: '0xda4b37208c41c4f6d1b101cac61e182fe1da0754',
// (Optional) User Operation configuration.
userOperation: {
async estimateGas(userOperation) {
// Estimate gas properties for a User Operation.
The Smart Account.