# Viem > Build reliable Ethereum apps & libraries with lightweight, composable, & type-safe modules from viem. ## Docs - [Getting Started with Account Abstraction](/account-abstraction): **[Account Abstraction (ERC-4337)](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4337)** is a proposal within the Ethereum ecosystem which aims to standardize Smart Contract Accounts (SCA) and their operations without the need to modify or upgrade the protocol. - [Getting Started](/experimental): Viem provides a set of experimental features through the `viem/experimental` entrypoint. Such features could include: - [Getting Started with OP Stack](/op-stack): Viem provides first-class support for chains implemented on the [OP Stack](https://docs.optimism.io/stack/getting-started). - [Getting Started with ZKsync](/zksync): **Note:** This extension is maintained by ZKsync collaborators. - [Platform Compatibility](/docs/compatibility): Platforms compatible with Viem - [Error Handling](/docs/error-handling): Every module in viem exports an accompanying error type which you can use to strongly type your `catch` statements. - [Ethers v5 → viem Migration Guide](/docs/ethers-migration): Migrate from Ethers v5 to viem - [Frequently Asked Questions](/docs/faq): Frequently asked questions related to viem. - [Getting Started](/docs/getting-started): Get started with viem in just a few lines of code. - [Installation](/docs/installation): Install Viem via your package manager, a `